5 tips to Save Money and Stress When Moving
Moving ranks at the very top of life’s “most stressful moments” list. If you’re facing relocation, Anne-Elizabeth Youmans of Elizabeth’s Moving & Storage has 5 tips that will help make the process smoother (and less expensive).
1. One word: PURGE
Embrace the recent minimalist trend and say goodbye to clutter before you pack boxes. A common qualifier is asking, “Will I use this in the next 12 months?” Or you can employ famed Tidying Queen, Marie Kondo’s question, “Does this bring me joy?” If the answer is no, let it go. Even heirlooms should be on the chopping block. Do you really want to move a 200-pound armoire that has never matched your taste just because it belonged to your great-grandmother? If you need inspiration, try minimalist Courtney Carver’s bemorewithless.com blog. Marie Condo also has a new book – Spark Joy – that has in-depth advice on packing and moving.
2. Start packing ASAP
Allow 2 to 3 weeks for purging and packing, says Youmans. Never underestimate how much time (and tissue paper) it takes to safely wrap your breakables. As soon as you sign your closing documents, start boxing up anything that isn’t necessary for daily living. Wall art, books and shelf knick-knacks are a great place to start. Your kitchen will also take far longer than you can imagine. Set aside only the absolute essentials – a few pots and pans, minimal dishes, etc. – and start putting everything else in a box.
Related: 5 Ways to Make Your New Home Your Own
3. Call the movers post-purge
Get quotes from moving companies after you've gotten rid of unwanted items – your quote will be much lower. If you had trouble with #1, think of the money you’ll save after decluttering. Need any more inspiration to Craigslist Granny’s purple and gold china?
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4. Have a furniture game plan
Measure your new space and make sure everything will fit where you’re planning to put it. This may affect key decisions on how they load the truck, and you’ll certainly save time (i.e. money) if you’re not having the movers rearrange furniture that doesn’t work where you thought it would.
5. Take a deep breath
Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your new home will take some time to adjust to, says Youmans. Expect things to be upside down for a while. It's part of the process and a new beginning!