Spring is around the corner. If you want to make this the year for a beautiful yard, it’s time to start planning now. We asked Allen Clark, owner of Lawn Doctor for his best tips on what you can do now for a lush, green lawn later.
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1. Feed Your Lawn
“Fertilizing is one of the most important things you can do for your lawn this spring,” says Clark. “It replenishes nutrient reserves that were depleted over the winter.” While general turf fertilizers are available, it’s best to understand what kind of grass you have and the condition of your soil. For example cool season grasses (fescues, ryegrasses) need to be fertilized at different times than warm season varieties (bermudagrass, Zoysia). “Every lawn has its own, unique fertilization needs, so hiring a service takes the guess work out of it,” he says. “We can create a customized plan for optimal growth and minimal weeds.”
2. Wipe Out Weeds
Beautiful spring days are meant for more than pulling weeds, and sprays can be harmful to children and pets. February and March are the best time to stop weeds BEFORE they start by using pre-emergents. This helps prevent crabgrass and other grassy weeds from taking root (and taking over). It’s also important to maintain your landscaping beds so that weed seeds aren’t spread across your lawn.
3. Give it Room to Breathe
Over the winter, soil becomes compacted and thatch builds up from months of not mowing or raking. “This restricts your grass’s access to much-needed nutrients,” says Clark. The answer is aeration and spring is the time for Bermuda and Zoysia grasses. (Fescue Grass is aerated in the fall).
4. Banish Bare Patches in Warm Season Grasses (Bermuda and Zoysia)
Late spring is the perfect time for overseeding or sodding as warmer weather and spring rains can create ideal growing conditions. To prep your lawn, mow at the lowest setting. Follow with a rake to remove dead grass and loosen the soil. Broadcast new warm-season grass seed or place sod and water daily until established. Limit activity on the lawn until grass is mowing height.
5. Consider the Critters
Warm weather also brings unwelcome pests such as mosquitoes and ticks. The Lawn Doctor’s Yard Armour Program (applied April through August) is designed to eliminate mosquitoes and ticks currently living in your lawn and prevent future infestations. “This is especially helpful after a mild winter like we had this year,” says Clark. The Lawn Doctor also has solutions for common lawn pests like fire ants and moles.